Realme Narzo 50A Prime has been teased on Amazon India, ahead of its expected launch in India soon. The launch date of the smartphone is set to on April 30, as per a tipster. There are also claims that the handset will be launched in two storage configurations. Recently, Realme announced that the upcoming handset will debut without the charging brick in the box. The smartphone was launched in Indonesia last month in two storage variants with 4GB of RAM as standard and came in two colour options. The Realme Narzo 50A Prime teaser on Amazon India reads , “Massive Power. Mighty Performance”. The page also reads, “Get ready for an immersive viewing experience,” hinting at a big display with high resolution. The Realme Narzo 50A Prime is tipped to launch in India on April 30th. Realme Narzo 50A Prime price The price of the Realme Narzo 50A Prime in India has not been revealed yet. The price of Indonesian variant of the handset starts at IDR 1,999,000 (roughly Rs. 10,600) for the base 4GB...