My living room tour
#LivingRoom | Drumroll, please… after months and months of planning, perfecting and procrastinating, it’s finally here… my living room tour! This was my first and very favorite space to decorate because I quite literally started from scratch. As a first-time decorator, I quickly learned that furnishing a room can get expensive. Quickly.… to Continue Reading...... Get The Bohemian Look Of This Nantucket Home #Home | Flowered fabrics and floral paintwork bloom inside a Nantucket retreat cultivated by Markham Roberts read more... FRITTELLE DI ZUCCA Salate veloci con speck Impasto senza lievitazione #Speck | FRITTELLE DI ZUCCA salate con speck e Parmigiano. Nuvolette salate senza lievito di birra cotte in padella. Antipasto contorno o secondo piatto con la zucca read more... Dark Chocolate Cake #DarkChocolateCake | Moist, rich, chocolaty perfection, something that every chocolate fan should taste, this is one of read more... Designer sugar cookies #SugarCook...